Wireless guide explanation equipment in 5G Net Era(无线导游讲解器)


1.5G网络时代,你可以通过哪些渠道给陌生人介绍“无线导游讲解设备”?(Wireless guide explanation equipment)

2.生活中哪些地方可以用得到“Wireless guide explanation equipment”?

3.“Wireless guide explanation equipment”的使用好处是什么?

Wireless guide explanation equipment in 5G Net Era(无线导游讲解器)

5G Network Era is developing rapidly.Some people like to introduce products in mobile phone APP,For example,Tiktok,Kwai and TaoBao.while others prefer to recommend wireless guide explanation equipment(无线导游讲解设备) in Baidu search engine.However,I like to intoduce Wireless guide explanation equipment in Wechat group.

In life,I think the wireless guide explanation equipment(无线讲解器)can be used in scenic spot,schools,companies and museum.Among them,school incloud kindergartens,middie school,high school and universities.

In school,teacher or students can use these devices,they can used for parent meetings,teacher speak and parent's listening.In scenic spot,tour guides or tourists can use these devices,tour guides speak and tourists listening.

maybe you'll ask me what are the benefits of this device?

First of all,It is diferent from a loudspeakers,the advantage of this equipment is that it can improve the environment.Second,it can make speech interesting.Finally,it can be used in many place.

I prefer wireless guide explanation equipment to loudspeakers.


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